segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2022


"Recordam-se vocês do bom tempo d´outrora,

"Dum tempo que passou e não volta mais,

Quando íamos a rir pela existência fora

Alegres como em Junho os bandos dos pardais?..."

Abílio Guerra Junqueiro     

2 comentários:

  1. I want to share with you all on this blog on how I received finance support from a reputable loan company via cf-loans@outlook and whatsapp +393510140339, I contacted them when I came across these contact online when a lady from mexico were giving a testimony about a loan finance then I decided to give a try that when I get my loan to expand my business at the rate of 2% ROI repayment. I'm so happy that I decided to share with anyone here looking for an affordable loan to reach out for this great opportunity. thank you blog admin.
